Thursday, December 5, 2002

Microscopic Imperfections

Put anyone under a microscope and you can see their weaknesses
Everything they do wrong; all the shattered bits and pieces
Nothing looks good when it’s inspected that close
You can see an almost perfect person’s faults
Yet you examine me under your microscope and depict my every weakness
Was I all you dreamed and hoped after you wrote your first thesis?
There’s no need to make any preconceptions
I’ve come with my own perception
Who are you to scrutinize this closely;
When our faults can be divided equally?
Who are you to scan for imperfections?
Who are you to offer corrections?
Who are you to judge me?
When you are the one with fallacy

Wednesday, November 27, 2002


Funny how our friendship was going to last forever
Came to that conclusion too soon for sure
Wanting it back but yet not trying to care
Turning my head but wanting to stare
Missing the way it was while seeing the way it is
Wanting to cry just because it was never going to be like this
Friends forever stuck like glue
400 miles away it sounded good to you
But face-to-face it’s not the same
Loss of conversation- we’re both to blame
There’s no more common ground
No more similarities found
Other priorities take up the hands of the clock
Another vision comes to view as the smaller hand slowly drops
Calling me on the phone from two states away
Is all it takes for our friendship to stay
But in the same area code once again
You have no time to call your friend
Let alone catch up on old times face to face
You never cease to put me in my place
Or where you think I should be for that matter
I’m better that what you think I am, but that doesn’t matter to you
You already have your mind set don’t you
I should have been in Sodom or Gomorrah and you in Enoch
You the perfect child, I –the easy trick
Mad at what I have become
You quickly drop the friendship and run
To quick for me to say what you wanted to go into your ears
Our friendship is stained by the salt of my tears