Tuesday, August 2, 2005

Take My Hand

You’ve fallen into the darkest misery
Because of your fallen state of apostasy
You let go of the rod and wandered astray
Take my hand I’ll help you find your way
Come back home come back to the fold
You don’t have to feel alone you have us to hold
With heavenly father on our side we won’t fail
Take my hand I’ll pull you to the rail
Lean on me to catch your breath
I won’t let go in this matter of life or death
I won’t let go till your feet are on gospel sod
I won’t let go till your hands grip the rod
But if you let go of my hand to roam
If you choose to walk alone
I can’t force you to stay
I’ll cry as you walk away and plead for you to come back
But I can’t make up for the testimony you lack
I can scream into deaf ears,
But it won’t do any good if nobody hears
All I can do is cry and pray
That you will hopefully come back some day
To take my hand then, to help you out
Of your state of rebellion and doubt
Please come back, I beg of you please!
I’m down here on weary knees
Crying for your return back home
Don’t wonder off on your path alone
Help God answer my endless plea
Please grab my hand and come back with me

Where Misery Lies

You cover up your morning breath
With bottled water and cigarettes
You cover up your wrongs by lying
And every mistake –you’re justifying
You cover up your joys and cheers
With last night’s mascara running with tears
Making your tangled hair
Stick to your face so fare
You stay inside-hidden from the world
A lonely, unseen, invisible girl
You can’t convince me that you’re happy
By killing yourself oh so slowly
And shortening your flawless life span
By contracting any disease that you can
Your weight plunges from the drugs you’re using
You rarely eat which adds to the losing
You need professional help
But you say you can help yourself
But your way of help is holding your breath
You’re running or sprinting your way towards death
You lost all hope in your miserable state
But you tell me you’re happy with a smile on your face

Friday, July 1, 2005

Lafayette Beach

The sun beats life out of the humid day
Making a glistening sea of waist high corn
And miniscule rippling waves of corn stalk hills
Which flow as far as the eye can see
But no distant sounds of children laughing
And no songs from the seagulls throat
No way to cool off on this beach
Just to rest under the shade of corn
And swim in the sea of sweat
And lust for the mirage of water a mile away.

Friday, April 22, 2005

What Have You Done?

Sorrow beyond expression, aching for words that aren’t true
How’d you come up with your decision? Is there nothing I can do?
I can’t tell you not to go; it’s too late for you to stay
You made up your mind long ago-your mind is miles away
Is it bad to say I hate her?
And the decision you made is wrong
You’ll regret your choice forever
Forever is just so long that for you my heart is broken
My pain’s so hard to hide
As the devil takes your token and I watch your downward slide
This should have been the milestone that made the boy a man
The best years of the life you own – the best race that you ran
But you ended this race early
The boy remains a boy
You run home thinking surely
Your girly will bring you joy
It won’t last forever
Like these memories made would have
She won’t make you better
Like this experience really could have
I grieve at your decision
The best two years you never gave
My dear friend, you’re never served mission
Will remain with you till your grave