Sunday, February 13, 2011

Keep Lying

Lying to yourself is still a form of lying
your heart still knows for whom it's pining
You can tell yourself you're done and you're over him,
but when he becomes a part of your every whim
there's no use in stating you no longer care
cuz you're still a prisoner in your own pathetic lair
There are so many other guys that could better suit your needs
but your past keeps you tied to him, even by noxious weeds
The subconscious is not as stupid as you think
You gotta quench your thirst somehow, but he is not the drink
Finding someone new will be harder than hell,
but he is an empty well
and cannot fulfill your life, or even a small part
You cannot wait any longer for his heart

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I Feel You

You're just around the corner, I feel you
I run to my window and wait for your homecoming
I wait like a toddler for his father, like a dog for its owner
I wait with an ear to ear smile and starry eyes
I'm like a giddy school-girl again
I can't wait to jump into your enveloping embrace
and just stay there for as long as you can stay
You're just around the corner- I feel you
The warmth that only you can bring me is locked in my mind
It gets me through life
The thought of you gets me through my winters
I'm ready to dive into you with no restraint, breathe in your scent, and bask in your greatness
Good things are worth waiting for, but the anticipation is driving me crazy
I'm cold and ready for you
You're just around the corner
I can wait, I must wait
I miss you- come to me soon