Monday, December 12, 2011

How Did It Come To This?

I wore my heels and am all dressed to the nines
Funny it’s come to this after all our wine and dines.
I shouldn’t be here; this is such a special occasion
And I feel my presence is a bit of an invasion
I find my nametag, indicating my seat assignment
I sit, plop my elbow on the table and my chin on my fist, discontent
I’m sitting among strangers, all jovial and full of joy
Questioning me if I’m friends with the girl or the boy
These squatters are flying around my face like gnats
Gotta get to the open bar and away from these fat cats
After knocking a few down, I feel more stable
Another drink in hand, I find my way back to my table
Your mother stands and toasts you and your new brat
Bottoms up, I’ll drink to that
Your dad stands, teary eyed and clinks his glass
He’s so proud of you for landing your new lass
Here here! *glup* more please, my glass is feeling light
I’m just getting started; I could do this all night.
Matter of fact-*Clink, Clink* enough with the pointless chats
Cheers to you and your street-walker. Congrats!
No, don’t ya’ll even gasp and judge
There’s a past here-I don’t hold a grudge
But you don’t know the past between us three
The bride, the groom and me.
But they know, we know, I know and I won’t forget
You guys won’t even last 5 years, I bet
Cheers to you both, you deserve each other
Starting now, I will find another…so here-
The rest of this toast goes out to any single men
Find me after this toast in the middle of oblivion
I’ll be in the middle of the dance floor
Showing the groom what he can’t have anymore