Thursday, July 3, 2014

Happy Birth-day Finale

No amount of time could fix what we turned into

Tho just as frustrating; we weren’t a rubik’s cube

Our colors didn’t match on each side

With what once was perfect- life has morphed into strangers

Making it ok to finally walk away

But as hard as you try – you cannot convince me that I walked into the knife each time after you stabbed me time and time again

For one year you kept me on eggshells and jerking rollercoasters 

Pushing and pulling and taking and taking… and taking

Until, like the giving tree, I had nothing left to give

I gave up on your charades and you finally dropped the façade

War started raging in my heart
with so many frustrations and unanswered questions

You then called check mate, but come over with your white flag waving

No questions answered

You took the coward’s way out

How did I forget that you walk away when times get hard?

When feelings need to be mended and kind words need to be spoken

You decide the fun has turned ugly and we are unfixable

Why would I think you would want to superglue a cracking foundation?

You let your past marriage decay and crumble,
convincing yourself she was the bulldozer.

Our little red caboose has derailed, crashed, and burned

You watched it burn to the ground with tearless eyes

And as much as I want to be optimistic about life

There are no more “I think I can’s” in this relationship

I now know I can’t

I can’t give you your side of the fireworks

I can’t be a magician psychic-

I can’t read your mind and abra-ca-dabra your life perfect

I can’t be the blame for any or every unhappiness in your toxic heart

I can’t be treated the way you treated me any longer

And I can’t believe it took me so long to say goodbye

I can no longer write about you or speak your name

This is my final farewell
Final Goodbye?

Monday, June 9, 2014

Thoughtful Wishing

I wish you could see through my walls
and read the words I can’t convey on these dotted lines
I wish I could speak without the tremble in my voice or the pause in my thought
I wish I could take back what she did to you
And show you what real love means
I’m not an expert, but I wish you could see how much I want this
 I wish you could see that I’m not her
And I’m willing to try my hardest to make you happy
I wish you could see you as I do
A strong, sexy, motivated man who is worthy to be loved and give love
I wish you knew that all I need from you is your heart
And tho it might not be your whole heart,
as ripped and torn and broken as it might be- I want what’s left of it
and I would bandage the lacerated pieces with bits of my own if I could
I wish you knew that all it takes is one real kiss from you
And I melt into you and would do anything you asked
If only you knew the power you have over my heart
Then maybe you would be able to let the past go
Maybe you would see how lucky you are to have me
Maybe you would wish to move us further along
Maybe you would wish I was yours forever
and make this time last for just that long

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Knowing That I Don’t Know

“I love you” shouldn’t be so hard to feel and say

This far in, I really didn’t think I’d see this day.

Silence builds the distance we need

To dream of getting the lion’s share instead of this chicken feed

We do nothing to collapse each other’s walls

Waiting for the other to change their faults

I’m thinking maybe we have voids that the other can’t fill

And maybe we’d be better off with someone else that will

but by even saying that alone, my mind fills with fears

Powerless to stand, I crouch to the floor, bowled over in tears

I don’t know if things will get better

I don’t know if we’re still good for each other

I’m scared this might be my only opportunity

to get married and have a family

but part of me doesn’t know what else to do

than get off this rollercoaster while I still have time to

I don’t know if we are God-granted

Or if we’re just taking each other for granted

I just know I don’t know what happened

It just feels like we’ve reached the end.